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SamTec Puppy Linux Mod

SamTec's Puppy Linux Mod is the best OS that SamTec can offer you. It is original, secure, full of features, supports flash/java, and is extremely user friendly. It has a whole host of programs pre-installed on it that enable it to be used like your primary operating system. Programs such as Firefox, Thunderbird, Open Office, Flash, Java, GIMP image editor, True Crypt, VLC Media Player, DVD ripping and burning applications, CD ripping and burning applications, a full media suite, and loads of other programs and features. This OS also by passes ALL windows security features on any computer you use it on. Want to access/modify files in another user account but don't have a password? No problem! Want a safe and effective file rescue program? This can do it! Want to delete a virus that windows cannot? This will do it no problem. There is literally no limit to what this OS can do. Best part, this OS fits on and boots from a flash drive so you can carry it around in your pocket. The video below will teach you how to install and use it.


-A flash drive that is at least 8gb in size


-A computer with at least 200mb of RAM


-A computer with a processor that cycles at least 1.0 GHz


-A computer with a USB port of at least 1.0​


-A PC (not a Mac) running at least Windows XP SP3 , this is required to complete the installation as outlined in the tutorial below




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